How to access my workshop/course after purchase?

Once your purchase is complete and you've received the confirmation email, you can simply download the TagMango app from the Playstore (Andorid) or the Appstore (iOS) and log in using your registered mobile number/email id. Your registered mobile number/email id is the same in which you received the OTP and the purchase confirmation.


For Workshops, tap on the Feed section from the bottom tray and all your Upcoming Workshops
will be available right at the top. You can access the workshop from the same section or View All to explore further. You can join the session directly through the TagMango app and website.

You can even scroll through the feed or select your creator from Manage creators panel at the top for all your creators posts. Sometimes the creator may be conducting the session on Zoom, Google Meet or Facebook so they'll share the link in the feed section.

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For Courses, tap on the Courses section from bottom tray and all your Purchased Courses will be available along with the number of lectures and progress bar. You can 

You can even explore the Messages section from the bottom tray and see if your creator has posted a message with the relevant details in the mango room of your service.
If you are still facing an issue, please reach out to with your name, your registered mobile number, email and the service you purchased. Once you share the complete information, the team shall resolve the issue within 72 hours.