Trying to purchase but error message shows - Phone Number/ Email id already exists

This message indicates that there's another account on TagMango with either the same email id or the same number. In most cases, this may have happened because of any of your past purchases with similar credentials or that an account got created while you were trying to purchase the current service. 

A. You can log out completely and then try purchasing using any other number you may have via OTP. If your number matches any other account, you shall see the registered email id and name after inputting the OTP. This way no new account will get created and your purchase will happen from the existing account. 

B. You can simply use any other email id/phone number that you have access to and complete your purchase. 

If your issue still persists, please reach out to with your name, the mobile number and email id that showed an error, and the service you were trying to purchase. Once you share the complete information, the team shall resolve the issue within 72 hours.