How to Create a New Service on TagMango?

Any service or offering you provide on TagMango is called a Mango.

So, creating a new service is nothing but Creating a Mango. Once logged in to your creator profile on TagMango, 

(On app) Tap the profile circle on bottom right, then go to Mangoes tab and tap on the "+" button.
(On web) Go to Dashboard and then click on Create a Mango

Screenshot_2022-05-02_at_12.22.28_AM.png   Mango_making_app.jpeg

You can now fill in the basic details like the title of the service (Mango title), when does the service start (Start date), the pricing details (Amount and Frequency), description etc and Save.

You will get a templatized welcome message which you may customise. This welcome message can be updated to help subscribers of the particular mango (service) understand their next steps better. Posting the welcome message is optional but recommended.

After posting, you'll finally get the unique mango link with which you can share this mango (service) with your subscribers so they can purchase. You can copy the link to your clipboard or share directly using the Share Your Mango button. 

Once your mango is saved, you can go about Creating Workshops and Courses and monetizing accordingly. 

You can also refer to the video below-